Monday, February 12, 2007

Charismatic Speakers

You'll learn from reading and listening to charismatic speakers. Of course, it's what you actually apply to your life that makes the difference. Initiate a good habit tonight - the gesture has staying power.

OK, two interesting and almost scary items are associated with this horoscope - Oprah and Joel Osteen.

Oprah had an entire show on "The Secret" which for some reason appeared on my Tivo (oh that's right, I record it daily). Anyway, there she was with all these "charismatic" speakers discussing the "law of attraction" (something which I have studied and practiced for awhile 30 years ago.

And then there was Joel. Believe me, watching Joel Osteen, the charismatic tele-evangelist or any other religious person is the last thing you would find me doing. However, there I was relaxed on Sunday morning with the coffee and the Times when who should appear at the click of a button - Joel. I took it as a message from God. So I sat up and listened to what he had to say. The message was similar to Oprah's "The Secret" show.

I took both of these simultaneous happenings as a double message from God (the higher power, the collective conscienciousness)as a wake up call for me to get serious again geting positioned to move to Paris. To focus my energy in a positive direction ... to take those necessary steps to jump start that process so I can be where I am supposed to be for the next phase of my life.


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