Monday, January 10, 2005

Reality Truly Bites

Yes, it happened to me today around 8:30 a.m. Reality bit me hard and I didn't like it. Work entered my life after 10 glorious, decadent days in Paris. Oh I expected it but I am really never truly prepared for it. So here I am again, reading my recently found expat blogs (NYCa'Paris, La Coquetter, petite anglais) and living vicariously through their daily activitities until I can again return for my quarterly fix.

Saturday, January 08, 2005

The Icing on the Trip

How do you top off a great 10 day visit to Paris? With an unexpected upgrade to business class - totally the icing on the trip!!!

How often have I requested an upgrade from UA? Every flight to and from Paris. How often have I received one? Never! Well never that is until today. There I was sitting at gate 14 when I heard my name being called. Wondering what could be wrong, I approached the Gate Agent hesitantly. After presenting my ticket and boarding pass, she began to tear up my boarding pass and presented my with a BC seat. What a wonderful way to top off a great visit to Paris!

Now it's back to reality and the day-t0-day life in Washington DC.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

An Evening with Percy

Who said you can't get down-home cooking in Paris.

Percy's Place
15, rue d'Auteuil 75016

Monday, January 03, 2005

Paris Sunny and Cool

Today Paris is sunny and cool. What a great way to spend the day walking around the Marais waiting for friends to join me for lunch.

Sunday, January 02, 2005

I Lost My French Voice

Sometime along the way I lost my ability to speak and even comprehend French. When this occurred I truly don't know. However, I am sure that it started with the decision to study on my own this year and not in an organized class. Remember the independent person I spoke about in an earlier entry. Well this person thought that he could do just as well on his own and along the way save a little time. Wrong! I quickly learned on this visit.

I can always depend on my dear friend Magda to insist that I work on my language skills when I am with her in Paris. She always finds ways to place in me in situations where I have to speak the language. I used to think this was cute but this time I found it extremely diffucult and therefore not so cute!

However, she is an even more independent person than I and therefore, continued her efforts to help me along the way to mastering basic conversational French (at a minimum). Never mind that this conversation French is with the manicurist that she insisted we do together (you know the friendship bonding thing). Once I was seated with my hands in this warm, sudsy water she remembered a little errand she needed to run - "just around the corner dear ... I'll be right back ... go ahead and practice your French". There I was with a young woman staring across the table from me. We smiled for the longest time and then I just looked down into the sudsy,water and silently cursed dear Magda.

This occurred several other times during my visit - at the hairdresser (why do I follow her around like this? I am beginning to wonder myself.), at the luncheon table (Go ahead dear and order for us. I'll be right back), at the florist, or just whenever she would say to me practice (the news kiosk, the grocer).

So I've decided that I didn't like being mute and that I must return to class to claim my French voice once again even if it is a quiet one.

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Bonne Anne 2005

I was ridiculed this morning for not following the crowd from MiMi's nearly burned out apartment to the next celebratory location - Magda's brother great loft. The group was now on the move like a progressive dinner party or a large party machine that was taking on a life of its own by the minute fueled by way too much champagne. I guess MiMi's was just the appetizer and entree courses .... Magda's brother's apartment would be the the desert, cheese and coffee.

I kept being asked, "What is the problem? The driver and car were waiting at the bottom of the stairs. All you have to do was walk down a few flight of stairs and sit down". Actually, the very act of walking at that point-in-the-evening was a little disconcerting let alone driving across town to start celebrating all over again with a new crowd. How much can one celebrate the beginning of the new year in one night? This question I posed to several of my friends but the question was only met with stares of disbelief that words were coming out of my mouth. So being the independent person that I am, I made my cheek bussing rounds of and headed off "alone" for some quiet solitude, reflection and at that point-in-time well deserved sleep.

I am sure the ridicule will continue throughout the rest of the stay. I love the attention I get from all my friends. Bonne Anne 2005 dear friends!!!